Pocket Holsters





  • Comfortable and convenient everyday carry of your licensed concealed weapon
  • Back pocket holster is top-covered and won't be noticed if someone sees down into your back pocket
  • Made for carry in places where you don't need to have it noticed
  • Wallet holsters sold for less here because I don't have to pay Amazon's and Ebay's exorbitant seller fees.
  • Sorry, not available in New York. 


This full-concealment wallet holster is made especially for carrying in places where you can’t afford to have it noticed, such as at work.  It is also one of the best options for school staff or college students, in places where it is legal.   Most wallet holsters leave the butt of the gun visible if someone sees down into your pocket.  Those holsters that do cover the back end require additional steps to draw the gun after you take the holster out of your pocket.

This holster uses a molded hard rubber retaining insert to secure the pistol in place inside the leather covering when the covering is closed.  The retainer also keeps the thickness of the holster uniform, insuring the gun won’t print.  To draw it, take the wallet holster out of your pocket, open the cover, and simply flip the pistol out into your other hand.

It may not be quite as fast as wallet holsters you can draw from directly, but if you’re concerned about the gun being noticed, you can’t use those holsters anyhow.  Plus a lot of those holsters have a way of being dragged out of your pocket with the gun, negating the benefit of drawing directly.  Wallet holsters that hold the gun inside and fire as one unit are a good option for many, but those leave the butt of the gun exposed too.  They also might not be legal in every state.  Existing wallet holsters that do cover the gun completely typically have a holster inside the outer covering that the gun has to be drawn from, which slows down the draw.

This holster will insure  that anyone who sees into your pocket will see nothing but leather.  This new design also allows the holster to be made with dimensions as small, or even slightly smaller, than the dimensions of the gun.  A wallet holster that’s larger than the gun is not only less comfortable, it could be a tipoff to others that there’s something in it other than the proceeds of your employment.

To be sure, this holster is not the best choice if your primary concern is armed robbery. For that you need a holster you can draw from directly, and there are a lot of those available already. This holster is designed for full concealment, with the best speed possible from a full concealment wallet holster. It might not quite be the fastest there is, but it’s a lot less likely to get noticed, and it will insure you have something instead of nothing should something bad happen at work, or anywhere else it could happen where your right of protection isn’t as respected as it should be.  Since you have to take the gun out of the holster to shoot it, this holster also doesn’t come with any of the potential legal baggage that single unit gun/holster combos might have, no matter what state you’re in.

Brand new, handmade, patent # 9,297,612.


That’s easy!  If you shoot with your right hand, you need a right hand holster, and it needs to be carried in your left rear or cargo pocket, so the holster can be removed with your left hand and the gun deployed into your right hand for shooting.  If you shoot with your left hand, you need a left hand holster, and it needs to be carried in your right rear or cargo pocket.  No exceptions.  If you try to figure out your own alternative method, you’re going to be fumbling the gun a lot.  It works very well for its purpose when used as it was made to be used, but that’s how it has to be used.


This may be a pocket gun you’re carrying, but you’re not carrying it for an up-close make-my-day moment, you’re carryihg it to fight someone who has an AK47 or a shotgun.  If you have the money to spend, a laser sight is a force multiplier and is highly recommended.  It will better your aim under stress, and help focus the attacker’s attention on getting out of the way of the light beam rather than shooting people, including you.  And should you get the drop on the attacker, you’ll want to score a direct headshot if possible, and a laser will help immensely with that.  The laser I most recommend is the Crimson Trace Laserguard or Lasergrip.  The grip-button activation is most natural and doesn’t take your finger away from the trigger.  It also allows you to easily activate or deactivate it so as not to needlessly draw the attention of the attacker.  Green is recommended, as a red laser is useless in daylight conditions.


Keeping a secret can be tough.  There are places where concealed carry is not illegal or technically prohibited, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to share.  Whatever the rules may be, don’t underestimate the “freak-out factor”.

When 9-11 happened, I was working in a fab shop two blocks away from the entrance to a refinery.  Security was very much on everyone’s minds, and an attack on a refinery could be pulled off by a few people with rifles and some incendiaries.  Our company rules did not address firearms, so I asked if we might be okay with keeping a weapon on hand should such an instance result in armed individuals traversing our workplace.  Thereafter I was considered a “going postal” risk and was eventually not brought back to the company anymore.  (Ha, like I really need them now.)

People in authority are often far more concerned with their own monopoly on power than they are with your actual safety.  And if there is one person you feel you can trust to tell, then who do they feel they can trust to pass it on to?  In short, if you tell one person, you’ve told the world.  This wallet holster is made for full concealment, but you have to do your part.  So as much as I love advertising and word-of-mouth, I’d prefer that this holster does for you what it’s supposed to and keeps you protected without getting you in trouble.  So keep it to yourself!


Some wallet holsters, such as the Glock 43 or SCCY, are designated as “extra large” meaning they are at the upper end of the size limit for what will work with this type of holster.  They require very large back pockets to be carried in.  Holsters designated “extra large” are not returnable just for being too large to carry comfortably.  I’ve had to make that the policy with these holsters as it’s the only way I can afford to sell them at all, so before ordering be sure that’s what you really want.


These holsters are the size of your gun with a piece of leather wrapped around it.  The smaller the gun the smaller the holster, and larger holsters will require larger pockets.  Pants come with all sizes of pockets.  Women's pants I don't know a lot about but judging by the ones I've looked at, they may only take the smallest wallet holsters such as the Seecamp or small NAA revolvers.  You may need to shop for pants with pockets that will fit your chosen holster.  Men's jeans come with pockets in many sizes too, and while I don't have an extensive list of pants with pockets that will fit the larger holsters, I can tell you that Carhart Work Dungarees have generous back pockets, as do Wrangler Riggs work jeans, and the Riggs jeans are even Cordura lined so your wallet holster won't wear through.  So there's a couple to start with.


This type of holster can eventually wear holes in your back pocket.  To solve that problem, you can make a protective patch out of ballistic cloth or rip-stop nylon fabric, available at fabric stores.  Cut a patch to match the inside of your pocket, making sure the spots where holes are forming are covered.  Then either stitch it to the inside if you have that capability, or glue it to the inside using a generous layer of Amazing Goop Household Cement.  Only that glue.  It will survive washings, and the patch will outlast your pants.  See the instruction video HERE 


First, check your state’s laws on whether you are required to inform law enforcement that you are carrying a gun when stopped.  You can do that HERE    If you do inform the officer you have a gun, then BEFORE reaching toward any pocket, clearly state the following:  “Officer, I want to make sure there is no potential for misunderstanding.  The gun is in the left (or right if applicable) back pocket.  My wallet with my ID is in the right (or other) pocket, and that is the pocket I’m reaching into.  Also, the gun is in a Kevin’s Concealment Wallet Holster which cannot be fired with the gun inside the holster and it is not a threat to you.”  Before reaching anywhere, be certain that all potential for misunderstanding has been addressed.  If the officer does not clearly understand what you have told him, then keep your hands in view and politely refuse to reach into any pockets whatsoever until he does.


The primary purpose of this holster is so you have a way to carry in event of an armed attack at work or on campus, in which case you need to be versed on getting the most possible out of that pocket gun.  So the steps for responding are:

1.  Get your own head down behind something, and without drawing the attacker’s attention by visibly reaching for the pocket.  This might cost precious seconds, but he has a real weapon and you have a pocket gun, and if you get killed you can’t save anyone else.

2.  Draw and deploy the gun into the shooting hand, keeping the holster in the non-shooting hand, and assess best way to attack.  In the right circumstance the holster can be thrown at or past the attacker’s face as a distraction, either overhand or frisbee-style, to give you a moment to get the first shot in.  One should spend a little time practicing throwing the holster from behind cover and immediately firing on the target.  Though if the holster won’t be useful as such, then just drop it.

3.  If you have the drop, go for a head shot if feasible.  If not, try to get a couple hits on center mass, then before the shooter recovers from the shock of being hit (figure on a couple seconds), assuming his weapon isn’t pointed right in your direction, rapidly run up close and finish with a head shot.  Always try to save a round or two for the finish, keeping in mind you probably have seven.  Hazardous yes, but if you stay behind questionable cover trading shots with a rifle you’ll quickly lose that contest.

4.  Understand that the driving purpose of a mass shooter is the sense of power derived from seeing people flee and scream in terror.  The most rapid way to shut the attacker down is to rob them of that sense.  That means countering with an aggressive attack that at least has the appearance of fearlessness.  It also means NOT saying such things as, “Drop the gun!” or “GIve up!”  Giving the attacker choices only contributes to their sense of power, and they will use that to shoot more people, likely including you.  Offer the attacker no choice other than to be shot down by you, unless he actually does throw down his weapons.  Being shot down by another is the single most unacceptable ending for a mass shooter, which is why when confronted with armed response, they usually have a plan in place to either surrender or commit suicide rather than risk that happening, either of which ends the attack.  Almost none of them actually fight to the finish.  The sooner they face that aggressive armed response, the sooner the attack will be ended.

5.  For more common self-defense situations, you need to be aware that with this holster you're unlikely to beat someone to the draw who has a faster holster or gun in hand.  So it's important to see the threat coming in advance when you can.  Soon as you see a threat developing, take the wallet holster out of the pocket and grip it in the non-shooting hand, holding it across the front flap.   This is equivalent to having your hand on a gun while still inside a normal holster.  From there if needed you can quickly flip the gun out into the shooting hand, assuming you've practiced for that.


  • Hard rubber is now used for all retainers instead of the hard plastic used in early models.  Won't scuff the gun and won't break.
  • Retention feature added: On all holsters for guns with trigger guards, the part of the retainer inside the trigger guard hooks over the trigger guard slightly to keep it from falling out when you open the holster, and also helps propel the gun out into the shooting hand with more force when deploying.
  • If you have an earlier holster without these upgrades, you can contact me about getting it upgraded at no charge.